CUET PG Exam Admit Card 2025: The Common University Entrance Test-Postgraduate (CUET PG 2025) city slip and admit card will be made available shortly by the National Testing Agency (NTA). When the admission card is made available, candidates can obtain it from the official website, From March 13 to April 1, the admission exam will be administered via computer-based testing (CBT). The exam will cover 157 subjects, run in three sessions, and last 90 minutes.
CUET PG Exam Admit Card 2025: Steps To Download
Step 1: Visit the CUET PG 2025 official website at
Step 2: Select the link to download the admit card.
Step 3: Enter your date of birth, security pin, and application number as instructed.
Step 4: Send in the login information you entered.
Step 5: The screen will display the admit card.
Step 6: Confirm the information, including the barcode, signature, photo, and exam location.
Step 7: Save the hall pass on your computer for later use.
Question Paper Medium
With the exception of the following, the CUET PG 2025 question paper will be multilingual in Hindi and English:
Language Papers: According to the language in question
Higher Sciences/MTech Papers: only in English
Except for the Indian Knowledge System and Bauddha Darshana, which will be trilingual (Hindi, Sanskrit, and English), Acharya Papers are exclusively in Sanskrit.
Hindu Studies: English and Hindi